Important Changes to Region Band Auditions

In light of the high rise in SC COVID-19 cases causing many school districts to be fully virtual after winter break, our association has changed the following procedures concerning region auditions:

  • Region audition videos will now need to be submitted by 11:59 pm on Saturday, Jan. 23rd. (instead of Jan. 9)
  • Region auditions will be judged VIRTUALLY on Jan. 29 and/or Jan. 30 by directors at home or their home schools. Scales judges will be given access to videos; screened judges will only have access to audio files.
  • Region judging will be inputted by the adjudicating director into an online form, which will only be accessible by the region chairmen and the all-state chairman.
  • All-State auditions will still be judged on Feb. 6th in-person at Lexington High School, but the judges will view/listen to the region video submission. Students will NOT need to submit a second video if they qualify for all-state auditions. Directors that are willing and able to judge All-State auditions, please e-mail Jessica Wofford to express your interest.
  • Students who have already submitted a region audition video prior to learning about the deadline extension will be given a choice to have their submission wiped, and they may start the process over if they prefer. The all-state chairman will contact these directors individually.
  • NONE of these changes affect Jazz Auditions.
  • Please direct any questions to the All-State chairman, Jessica Wofford.